sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011

Qual o preço dos seus sonhos?

Hoje é mais um daqueles dias que vejo o preço do meu sonho me apunhalar pelas costas e girar o punhal pra me trazer o máximo de dor possível...
Estar aqui não é só um intercambio qualquer e um aprendizado de uma lingua... alem de auto conhecimento é um teste de força... e um amor que desafia as leis da física...

Olhe pra mim dentro de vc... nesse dia que a unica coisa que eu queria era meu silencio perto do seu... e te dar meu ombro e minha presença fisica....

quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

Brazilians are so fucking proud that I'm so annoyed with myself.... =/
SHIT! The cultural barrier has been the worst thing in my life... I hate everything about americans.... and a lot of foreign who I've met up here...
We are so proud to be warm and friendly with everybody... but when WE are the foreign, the things just change... WHY?? I start to talk with americans and I just have in my mind: Stupid guy... Stupid girl... boooo

I've being so disgusting and spoiled...

The last weekend I spent my time with one Chinese Girl and one Peruvian Girl... the rest of South Americans are so ... so... so... cheesy... =/
The Chinese Girl is so lovely... she is awesome... but she loves Brazil... I think that's why I like her...

I'm so stupid... really!

Americans think that the life is in sessions... I mean...
Time to be kid, time to study, time to be spoiled, time to be crazy, time to get married, time to have kids and then time to retire... and everybody follows the steps...
I heard that american girls have sex just because they have to do that sometimes... and american guys are so boring having sex because they think that american sex is the maximum pleasure that they could have... maybe it explains why they are so so so so unhappy...
No... I don't think that sex is the only think that could bring us happiness... but... but... but...
Why am I talking about  that?? I dont have sex for months and months and months... or might a whole year... and I was happy till months ago... or not?
I cant remember... my life here has being like a boring movie... i have some fun once a while... and then... back to wondering about everything...

I have to be my best friend, my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother, my boyfriend... all the time... and I cant stand myself anymore... OMFG!! I'm so boring... how could everybody stand me?? =/

Tired! Tired! Tired!

I wanna my family... my friends... and I want a boyfriend...
Yeh... you read right... and it's so hard to assume... I dont wanna be single anymore... I wanna hold hands... talking foolish things and stay with he... yeh... I want it so much...
In my country... my people... my Brazil... which I'm so so so proud...

quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011

De uma coisa eu tenho certeza... quando eu voltar... esperar vai ser uma coisa que eu vou ser mestre em fazer...
Morar aqui,... sozinha... longe de tudo... faz a espera de um ano ser uma vida...
E se vc esta me esperando por uma vida... eu te darei outra... Prometo!

Meldels... que demora! =/
Bateu vontade grande de ir pra casa...
do nada.... eu tava tao bem... tao feliz...
e de repente... bateu uma vontadinha de chorar...
de estar perto de quem me ama... =/

Quem me ama?

To até vendo que vai ser dificil demais voltar pra ca... aiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn =/
If there is someone in the world who likes to give presents... This person is ME! \o/

OMG!! I just cant wait to see the happy faces... the people is gonna make me so so so so happy...

I'm so stupid... hahahaha... I dont know how to wait... if I buy something to someone.. I have to show it fast fast fast... because I get a big excitement ... hahahaha...

Always bought the birthday presents late... because if I buy early... I give early... huahuauhuah

So so so so excited... You can't imagine!

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011

Eu devo ser muito metida! MUITO metida!

Metida e convencida!

Metida, convencida e chata!

Metida, convencida, chata e orgulhosa!

Metida, convencida, chata, orgulhosa e estressada!

Metida, convencida, chata, orgulhosa, estressada e anti-social!!

É, é... é o que eu sou...

To cansada desse orgulho amaericano babaca... arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh
Povinho de merda!!

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

Não me lembro mais qual foi nosso começo. Sei que não começamos pelo começo. Já era amor antes de ser.


sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

Ficar bebada enquanto conversa com a sua mae via skype: NAO TEM PREÇOOO!!! kkkkkkkkkkkk


Minha mae eh a melhor do mundo!! huahauhuha

sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

No matter what happens... I'm gonna get my way back for you...

Love? Love is easy... the humans make it complicated...

but when you feel like everything that you didn't need it's everything that you don't wanna lose... Maybe, you have found the love...
É uma coisa que eu nunca tive.

Que eu nunca imaginei.

Nem se quer desejei.

Sinto falta.


Se é possivel, eu sinto falta exatamente daquilo que eu nunca tive.

E que eu tenho certeza que eu tenho.

Só tem milhas e milhas nos separando. Mas e daí...

Se eu posso pegar o celular e mandar simplesmente: Eu sinto falta de vc do meu lado!

Sim... eu fiz!


terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Mas vc sabe o que dói?

Não! Porque nem eu sei... eu só sei que dói... machuca... corrói... destrói... e me deixa aqui... sem vontade de fazer nada... nada... absolutamente NADA...
PQP! Por que eu vim pra cá mesmo?


sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

E de bom ele nao tem NADA!

Odeio gente babaca!

eh... sem sentido. Mas eu entendi!

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011

You know what?

I wanted that your relationship done... I cheered for that... quiet... I didn't say any word... but I let you know I was gonna be here for you... even I knew I couldn't.


Now... you are alone and said you are waiting for me... and I dont like you... I dont want you... I see your pics and think: "OMFG!! Why did I do that? He was happier before... and I couldn't make him happy... cuz I don't love him"

I'm a bitch!! a cow!! SHIT!!!

And now? How should I explain that to him? He's gonna be mad at me... fucking bitch!!!!

I have to say to everyone: Don't believe me! Don't trust me! I dont know how to love... I hate me!!

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

First: he heard about my atheism.

Second: he told me about his God and how he was happy with it.

Third: He asked my #s.

Forth: He tried to change my mind sending me verses from the bible every morning.

Fifth: He asked for pardon because I answered "I know the bible as I know my mom, I dont need that. Give up".

And now he is trying to be my friend. Why? Am I a devil? Does he wanna show me the way to salvation?


segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011

6 months


that's all!

sábado, 2 de julho de 2011

- But he just wanna be my friend... he is trying to be nice

- No, babe... when some guy text you all the time... he wanna date you... he doesn't wanna be your friend...

- Huumm... and when he doesn't text you all the time... once and a while may be... just text you and you hang out with him? 

- What do you mean?

- Nothing.

- I am busy, babe... you know... I know you need more attention... but...

- You dont have to say anything... dont worry... 

- I wanna date you

- Yes, I know

- How do you know?

- As well as I know they wanna be my friends

- Sarcasm?

- Not at all... Just trying to be concerned with your thoughts.


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