quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

I've been living in Michigan for 5 months and this fuckin wheater doesn't change. It's spring and we have 38 F degrees... this motherfuckin season... urghhhhhhhhhhh...

I could be sad and angry and mad... and whatever bad that you could think... but... today I received a great news... and nothing in this whole world will be able to make me feel bad things... Yeh.. yeh yeh... I just wanted to say that... I don't need to say anything else... =P

The happiness was presented to me this afternoon... and I just figured out that Im not a bad person at all... hahahaha... So... this fuckin language needs to be part of my body... part of my mind and my life... that's time to hurry up, my dear english language!!! I wanna be able to talk a lot of things using your stupids signals 'cuz you were named the mundial language...

If your God had known how is hard this fuckin difference... he would never have done the Babylon confusion. Is God polyglot? oO... Never mind...

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