terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

Someone who lives in my heart taught me something... taught me a lot of things... but has only one in my mind since I arrived here... is something like: run away to perpetuate.. Or... run away to be remembered.

Maybe the translations that I found are opposites... but for this time... everything seems like the same thing... ME.

He... who goes many times... many times... and he always is here... he said me that things keep following the life...
I dont know If Im here because I didn't want to stay there... or if I couldnt...
Or... If I came here to perpetuate in his life... I hate these things that wishes to be eternal.
I dont know if I can back... cuz... I think we can be happy if is not forever... its like the life only could be real with utopia...
If I could understand it.. They give me allowed to make a eternity game.
Or... just to try to understand those things that everyone already know...
Promisses, silly things, platitudes...
I can get every little thing and to make a new life... or... new old life?

To Stay! To Go! To Be! 
Intransitives verbs... let me tired and confused.

I just decided To Be...and... this way... like he said... "Today" is only  the day that I have to do what I want...

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